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Tips to Develop Enduring Strength in your Non-Profit Board

In Insights by MVP

Your board is your guiding brain trust which at its top functionality steers innovative strategy to achieve its mission guided by the vision of the organization. The delicate balance of this beast, the board, is that it is fed by the health, knowledge, and passion of volunteers. Even the healthiest brain trust can use additional resources to improve functionality. Determine your current board dynamics when looking to develop and build a stronger board. Where are some areas that could use a closer eye? Observe burnout as it occurs. Without clarity to what is expected, a new board member can bite …

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Fine Tuning Your Organization’s Focus In 2019

In Insights by MVP

January is almost over and it’s time to push forward and re-examine the goals you’ve set for your organization this year. According to Business Insider, 80% of enthusiasm for resolutions can dwindle out by February. At Van Petten Group, we want to help you stick with your big plans and create actionable goals for your team! Here are some ideas in how to strategize for a successful 2019. When formulating resolutions or goals for your organization, remember that not all of the responsibility falls on your shoulders. In our previous Insight, “Celebrate and Motivate: Creating Intuitive Catalysts for Winter Productivity …

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Celebrate and Motivate: Creating Intuitive Catalysts for Winter Productivity in Your Organization

In Insights by MVP

Cheers to the first week of 2019! Ideally, your organization has wrapped up the holiday season and your team is eager to hit the ground running to break even bigger ground this year. In reality, some are still adjusting from the additional hustle that happens in the end of the year. Studies show that January and February are the lowest months of productivity across the board. How can you motivate yourself and your team to break through the mold and begin 2019 with a bang? January is a great time to take stock in what you’ve accomplished in the last …