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Support your Membership by Mastering the Art of Listening

In Insights by MVP

On a Monday morning, you may find yourself confiding in a colleague about a professional breakthrough you have experienced. They’re standing there, nodding and smiling along. Smile, nod, ask probing question: showing they are “present”.  In truth, your colleague’s may be lost in their own thoughts, but they are showing their support by hearing your story. Notice they are hearing you, but are they really listening? You can always tell if your message landed with someone, whether their listening face could win them employee of the month, or they are yawning and bleary-eyed. What do you experience when you are …

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The Power of Focused Social Media: How to Find your Organization’s Audience

In Insights by MVP

As we move into the winter months in the northern hemisphere, your members are bundling up inside and taking to the internet to keep them warm. This is the perfect season to ask, “Is our organization effectively reaching our target audience?”  This is THE question when discerning where your social media presence can prevail and make the most impact. In a recent article, the Journal of Medical Internet Research explains, there are substantial differences in social media use by age. 88% of 18- to 29-year-olds indicate that they use any form of social media. 78% are between 30 to 49 …

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The Future of Education and Training for Lifelong Career Development

In Insights by MVP

Wouldn’t you say the adage, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” is out of touch to the development of any organization? Continuing to learn new tricks, skills and protocol at a rate that works for each individual can help the mind be ready for new challenges that arise. Developing a member’s hunger to learn the current tides of their profession doesn’t have to be a struggle to get their project done the night before it is due. How can an organization make learning accessible for a diverse set of members’  needs while providing top-notch training and development? How …