There is an electrifying thrill that runs up the spine when your organization becomes a maverick in your industry. You know your mission has the chance to change the world. To make this a reality, your playbook needs to adapt from orthodox templates. Are you looking for a cohort to display examples of best practices but still experiencing a challenge finding the next step?
Expand your mind.
I find great value in widening my scope to learn from different fields outside the target industry I am working in. Developing hobbies I’ve let grow dormant or reading up on topics a respected colleague is passionate about allows my subconscious to get to work. Finding inspiration by observing what may be outside the box is not a new concept but your organization must remember how to do it regularly.
Slow down and observe.
Acts of observation and learning are fed by the art of slowing down. This pace allows for the mind to be present. I’ve found an absence of this as I’ve looked to my competition and seen a more focus on productivity and hustle. My experience has shown me that facilitating room for inspiration and community development can deliver exponential results that leaves popular strategies in the dust. The first thing that I love to do with an organization is help them step back for a beat and see how far they’ve come in providing for their industry by working together. The right amount of space and time can initiate creativity and connections that will organically provide the next steps forward.
In a recent USA Today article, I speak to creating awareness and access for women in the Esports Industry. The Esports Trade Association (ESTA) blossomed from Van Petten Group observing the growing industry and realizing resources needed to be created. This took slowing down to see what variables were making up the present climate and imagining a future to support this environment more fully.
Belong everywhere and nowhere.
In Braving the Wilderness, Brene Brown talks about learning to belong to yourself, quoting Maya Angelou – “You only are free when you realize you belong no place — you belong every place — no place at all.” This is what it feels like to be a maverick. It takes great bravery for your organization to belong everywhere and nowhere so it can lead the industry with unwavering vision.
Megan Van Petten
Van Petten Group, Inc.